Friday 19 December 2014

Sunday 14 December 2014

About ISCG University

At ISCG, our goal is to help you reach yours. From your first inquiry about your online program, through every step in your studies, you can benefit from our wide range of student support services designed to help you succeed in attaining your degree online.
Founded in 2013, ISCG University is a global leader in student-centered online education. A regionally accredited institution in the Republic of Benin, ISCG University attracts a community of extraordinary students and faculty from around the world.
Our quality online programs feature nationally recognized experts, accomplished faculty, and visionary leaders—all professionals who are dedicated to upholding the university’s high academic standards. 


ISCG University’s mission is to provide a diverse community of career professionals with the opportunity to transform themselves as scholar-practitioners so that they can effect positive social change. Three values—quality, integrity, and student-centered approach—are at the core of the university. A commitment to these values demands high standards of excellence, uncompromising openness and honesty, and primary attention to the progress of our students.

A Diverse and Vibrant Faculty

Walden’s world-class faculty members enrich the online university’s learning community with their wide range of educational, cultural, and experiential backgrounds. They are gifted instructors and expert mentors who are selected for their academic and industry credentials as well as for their teaching abilities. As active participants in your learning, our faculty is eager to help you succeed.

Dedicated Students

The educational and life goals of the students in ISCG’s graduate and undergraduate programs are as diverse and unique as the students themselves. Our students are committed to pursuing an education that can open doors to personal and professional achievement.


Accreditation is an important hallmark of quality. When evaluating credentials, employers and universities often look for applicants who earned their degrees from accredited universities.
Walden University is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and a member of the North Central Association, The North Central Association is one of the six regional accrediting associations recognized by the Republic of Benin Department of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. The North Central Association is a Republic of Benin. membership organization for educational institutions that was created to develop and maintain high standards of academic excellence.
ISCG University is listed in the Republic of Benin. Department of Education’s comprehensive database of accredited post secondary educational institutions. The database is searchable by institution name, accrediting body, and geographic region.
Learn more about the advantages of a Walden online education. Request information or speak with an enrollment advisor by calling +22967758686, +22968657646, +23480667668924, +2348182148495, +22995739400..

Admission Process

There are 4 Steps an applicant must take to gain admission to ISCG:

01 Complete Application with Required Documentation
The student completes an application form, attaches required documents and materials, and sends the application to the Admission Office. Students are encouraged to apply online and to email scanned documents to the Admissions Office via
02 ISCG Acknowledges Receipt of Application
The Admission Office notifies the applicant by email of the receipt of his or her application and also informs the candidate of any missing documents if any. NOTE: The acceptance process does not proceed until all required documents are submitted and included in the applicant's file.
03 Communication of Admission Decision to Applicant
The Admission Office notifies the student in writing of the application's acceptance or non-acceptance. If the application is successful, the acceptance letter provides a list of things that the student needs to do in order to secure a space at the University. In the event that the application is rejected, the rejection letter explains the reasons for the rejection.
04 Confirmation of Acceptance by Student
The successful admission candidate makes a refundable housing deposit of N5,000 by the stipulated date to reserve a Residence Hall space. A successful candidate must undergo a medical test by completing the medical form in an accredited hospital.
When the 4 steps above are successfully completed, the ISCG admission is considered confirmed.

call: Tel: +22967758686, 

or Email

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Safety and Security on the ISCG campus

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Choosing a post-secondary institution is a major decision for students and their families. Along with academic, financial and geographic considerations, the issue of campus safety is a vital concern.
Hence, when President ISCG took over the helms at the ISCG University of Benin (ISCG), the University began the rigorous training of a new security force for the institution. It came about as part of the President’s vision for change but also as a concern for the safety and protection of the students, faculty, and staff, and their families at ISCG.

As a background, over 2,000 applications for our new guards were received from all over the world, from which almost 500 men and women were selected for training. Out of this number, 325 became ISCG security guards. All of the rank-and-file trainees were required to have a high school certificate and the ability to communicate effectively in the English language. Before they were selected to participate in the training, they were given an entrance exam on critical thinking, analytical thinking, and writing comprehension; only the successful candidates were invited to train.

All of the supervisors were required to have as a minimum, a baccalaureate degree. We exceeded those requirements as many of the rank-and-file trainees possessed baccalaureate degrees and diplomas from various disciplines, and some of the supervisors possessed or were studying toward their master’s degrees.

  • All students will be picked up at the airport by ISCG buses with security officers on board.
  • ISCG has implemented a curfew for all students living on campus – the campus is the safest place for all students.
  • There are bomb detectors at the gates.
  • All dormitories have officers at the entrances, exits and on the floors.
  • All dormitories have limited access.
  • Fences are being raised and reinforced with the use of high definition security cameras.
  • Use of other technology --such as cameras-- is being implemented.
  • Safety presentations are given on campus and safety reminders are published weekly in an online forum (ISCG This WEEK).
  • Motorcycle and foot patrols are in effect.
  • Improved lighting on campus grounds and new walkways are constructed.
  • Many different programs (safety, medical, personal responsibility, etc.) are available for students while on campus.

ISCG ranks in the highest when compared to other institutions either in the Republic of Benin or Africa.  It constantly revisits its security arrangements to adapt them to changing circumstances.

From the President

Dear Parents,
It is a privilege to welcome you on this page dedicated to you.  Whether you are considering sending your child to the Iscg University of Benin, or whether your child is currently a student with us, we have a wealth of information for you.

Parents are ISCG partners.  We share the same ambition of ensuring that your child receives top quality education, in a serene and well-protected campus and that he/she turns into a highly-qualified professional and a responsible citizen serving his/her country.  We also share the same vision of further developing the Iscg University of Benin as THE centre of excellence in higher education in Western Africa, THE University your child will be even more proud down the years to have graduated from as it reaches its ambition.  To help us achieve this, you can provide various types of support to ISCG.

We very much look forward to meeting you all at one of the forthcoming ISCG events.  Matriculation and
Commencement ceremonies are crucial events for our students who will remember and cherish them all their life.  I am sure you will want to be present by your child side at these very special moments.  We also offer an orientation program for parents of new students at ISCG.
Keeping you regularly informed of our news is a key element of our relationship with you.  A lot is happening at ISCG!  A parents’ guide is being developed which will be made available shortly.  A parents’ quarterly newsletter is being prepared. I am inviting you to register yourself as an AUN Parent at (hyperlink) so that you may continue to receive communications from us.  In the meantime, you can keep abreast of life on the campus on a weekly basis with
 ISCG thisWEEK published every Monday.

We would love to hear from you! Please do not hesitate to contact Officials, ISCG Director for Development who is in charge of our Parents Program at
Best regards,


The multimedia division contains electronic resources like CD-ROMs, DVDs, audio-visual materials, slides, filmstrips and the apparatuses for operating them.
BINDERY UNITThis unit undertakes in-house rehabilitation of torn or worn out books.  To ensure their longevity, alternative hard covers are provided for books whose original covers and bindings are torn.  This service is also extended to students and other members of the university community (including outsiders) for a fee.
SERIALS UNITIn this unit are special collections like newspapers, magazines, professional journals, periodicals, and conference proceedings.  The serial collection is invaluable for research as it provides current information which may be obsolete by the time it is printed as a book.  Back issues are of retrospective value to a researcher and are provided on request by the serials librarian.  Newspapers are indexed in this unit and filed in a cabinet in alphabetical sequence for easy retrieval.  All newspapers are to be read at the comfortable space provided with a centre table and settees.  They are not to be removed from there.
LIBRARY HOURSSunday 12.00 noon  -  9.00pmMonday – Thursday  8.30am   -  9.00pmFriday 8.30am  –  1.00pm
A librarian is usually placed on call to cover afternoon shifts and weekend duties.
The library does not open except by special request.

Student Development & Services

  • Student trips and tours
  • Off campus students
  • Student citizenship
The Office of Student Development is your office.  When you have exhausted all other support service units without finding solutions to your problem, you need to visit the Student Development office.  You may:
  • Drop Complaints at the Suggestion Box
  • Book appointment with the Vice President for Student Development or her Associate
  • EMail us at:
Student Development Helpline for urgent matters, call: Tel: +22967758686, +22968657646, +23480667668924, +2348182148495, +22995739400.
  • Spiritual Helpline, Call: +22967758686
WE R UR VOICE and U MUST BE HEARD!  We are located in the middle section of the lower and upper floors of the Administration complex called Adekunle Alalade Building.  If U face situations U cannot resolve or Temptations U cannot resist, COME IN AND SEE US.  It is never too late unless you give up.  And, Remember - Your problem needs not make you a problem!  We may not have all the answers, but since failure is not an option, we promise to walk you through the most intricate parts of your growing pains, pressures or puzzles. You are the reason why we are here. Thanks for giving us a chance to walk u thru!
-       Male halls
-       Female halls
-       Iperu campus
Your hall of residence is meant to be a home away from home.  Your Hall Administrators are there to make your stay at Babcock a unique experience.  Each hall has an Administrator’s office located at the ground floor.  Feel free to report any kind of harassment, victimization or abuse to the Administrator on duty, or to the Vice President's office if necessary.
-       Student feeding
-       Restaurant
-       Snack bar
-       Gift shop
Babcock University Food Services provide a health-nurturing wholesome lacto-ovo vegetarian diet.  For flexibility of cost and taste, our cafeteria system allows you to choose and pay for two or three-meal options which quality is supervised by a broad-based Food Council chaired by the Vice President Finance.   The Food Services department is, however, supervised by the Vice-president for Student Development for higher end-user responsiveness. Suggestions or complaints can be dropped in our suggestion box at the Student Development office, or cafeteria.
1) A student requiring a special diet on health grounds should have a written request addressed to the Director of Food Services and certified by a BUTH Medical Doctor/Dietician (letters from outside doctors will have to be endorsed by the BUTH to be considered valid).
2) The BUTH Director of Nursing Services, and/or Hall Administrators are to report cases of sick students directly to the Cafeteria Student Welfare Officer who will then make necessary arrangements for food to be sent to students on admission or sick in the Hall of residence.
Student Support Services (SSS) is the care centre for our students and their families. The Student Support Services is made up of three major units.
  • ACADEMIC COUNSELING UNIT (ACU): this unit focuses on career guidance and placement issues, administering vocational and academic performance tests, overseeing the activities of Babcock University Academic Empowerment Program (BUAEP), which render services to students with academic challenges and low CGPA. This unit also coordinates department tutorial programs, facilitate teaching and trainings on study techniques, provide individualized academic planning and interface with departmental course advisors for enhanced functioning and quality assurance.
  • PSYCHOSOCIAL COUNSELLING UNIT (PSC): Counselors in this unit are stationed in the halls of residence and are primarily responsible for the psychosocial/behavioral counseling, disciplinary reintegration issues, collaborate and act as consultants for hall administrators on behavioral issues In the halls and organize educative seminars for hall worship.
  • SOCIAL WORK UNIT (SW): Social workers work alongside the PSC counselors to carry out Biopsychosocial Assessment and screenings, facilitate and coordinate the Right Choices Substance Abuse Program, Bereavement services, case management of students with medical/psychiatric challenge, assessment and brokerage for financial assistance and notification of parent/guardian on disciplinary outcomes and issues of their wards.
  • And much more.
SSS also provides vital support to students transitioning from different parts of the world into the Nigerian environment at Babcock University. The specialized services assist the students to navigate rules, regulations and socio-cultural acclimatization.
Parents and families of currently enrolled students will find in the SSS an incredible partnership for all situations. Services include parent conferences/orientation, referrals and consultancy on parenting or academic planning issues.
Babcock University seeks to provide a conducive environment for optimal living and learning experience. While the university is working towards facilities that accommodate persons with disabilities, conditional provisions will be made for students with disabilities under the following conditions;
Students with disabilities are to:
  1. Report to Student Support Services for assessment and obtain a clearance/recommendation
  2. Show the clearance/recommendation to relevant university officials at the commencement of the semester or as soon as disabling incidence occurs.
  3. Maintain ongoing contact with Student Support Services.
Babcock University offers supports to students who are experiencing sexual assault or harassment. Cases involving members of the Babcock University community will be prosecuted. Such reports can be made to:
-       University Pastor – 0806 037 6577
-       AG Director, Student Support Services – 08023062787
All the above services are provided in a confidential and caring environment. The SSS building is located behind the campus banks west of the Joel Awoniyi School of Education and Humanities (EAH) building.
Campus Life otherwise known as Life on Campus encompasses all programmes and activities existing on Babcock University ground. It creates activities that encourage functional interaction among the university community. These activities may not be limited to within the campus alone but beyond. Activities such as those that deal with the spiritual, the academic, the physical and the social are available for wholesome development. They are all purposed to make life on campus meaningful, interesting and worth passing through in all ramification.
Healthy social development is encouraged in order to make the wholistic education complete.  On our campus, students will find opportunities to make a large circle of friends in the halls of residence, classrooms, and cafeteria and at special school functions.
Sports participation in Babcock University is designed to service the total person. It is also seen as a vehicle that promotes the four fundamental principles of Adventist Philosophy of Education in the spiritual, social, physical and mental well-being of staff and student participants.
In ensuring this, intramural sports are emphasized over and above inter-scholastic athletic competition.. Unwholesome spirit of rivalry, which enters into contest, where students vie with other institutions (not within the same bracket of sharing the Adventist culture), shall be eliminated. Moderation should characterize all physical activities, sports and recreation programme.
Sports Program includes the following:
                        i.         Training, friendly rivalry and recreational activities
                        ii.         Fitness and endurance activities.
                        iii.         Biennial inter-faculty athletic competition.
                        iv.         Annual inter-faculty Games.
                        v.         Group matches of football, basket ball and Volleyball.
                        vi.         Racquet games (especially Tennis) championships.
                        vii.         Cross country race or road work.
 Others include:
                          i.         Coaching clinics
                          ii.         Sports Club formations (e.g. squash, golf, volley ball, basket ball, etc).
All sports programmes (initiated or not initiated by the administration) are referred to and coordinated by the Sports Centre of the Division of Student Development through the Director of Sports.
Announcement: ADMISSION IS ON AT >ISCG University,Cotonou, Benin, English Speaking Universitiy in Benin Republic, NYSC IS GUARANTED +22998350965 WE WELCOME YOU TO ISCG UNIVERSITY Benin OFFICIAL WEB SITE

News Flash / Noticeboard

September 15th, 2014:

New Academic Section Begins-New

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